Is individual culture still possible?

Human rights has been a huge topic of the twenty-first century but is all the conversation really worth it? Human rights movements all over the world argue that there are certain laws and beliefs that should be globally recognised by every nation in the world. This is good at a face value but a huge problem arises when these beliefs are pushed worldwide onto many different cultures that have opposing values. A world of cultures Imagine this: Western society, the culture and people who are the source of most human rights movements globally decide: We are going to push the idea that there should be a few minimalistic laws that govern the whole world. Sounds good right? Sure. A massive underlying problem would appear. Humanity for the longest time has been tribal. By that I mean; the first form of human togetherness was in tribes, made of anywhere between 20-100 people who scoured the earth for her food and water. Only in the last few thousand years have we - as a species - off...