
Showing posts from July, 2023

From brothers to enemies, how long will this royal feud last?

I s interpersonal conflict more common in people who started off very close?The most extreme version of inter personal conflict can result in violence, a shocking statistic shows that 24.8% of murder victims are killed by someone related to them. Obviously very few interpersonal conflicts result in such extreme o utcomes but even small conflicts like bickering with your sibling can have a big effect on your life. Sibling rivalry is a typical example of interpersonal conflict, but why do siblings feel such need to be in competition? “As human beings we’re oriented towards comparison” says Shawn D Whitehead. It seems that because siblings grow up together and are in the same environment/household for a long period of their life, it is inevitable that there will be some kind of competition. Siblings seem to be able to find anything to fight about, hobbies, academia, who's the favourite child or even more extreme things like how much responsibility each should carry. One recent example...

Israel-Palestine: The reasons behind the rubble

Palestinians search through the rubble in Gaza following a bombing.   This conflict’s been dragging along for a long time now- over 100 years. Whose land is it? Whose land was it? Who can live there now? For Isrealis and Palestinians, the answer to that question is very different. It’s a poisoned chalice to get involved in, as many who tried to help has found out. Like one, hate the other. A middle ground doesn’t seem to exist. And although religion isn’t directly the cause of the conflict, it is yet another separation barrier. And this conflict has been influenced by what went on elsewhere- the Holocaust and Jewish immigration to Israel as a result of persecution to give a couple of examples. But seeing the rubble of decimated buildings, seeing the families torn apart by this conflict, seeing the hate it fosters for a group of people(on both sides), one is tempted to ask: What’s it all for? This conflict, and others that have gotten violent, have (naturally) negatively shaped our...

The battle for America: An analysis of the 2020 election

Near the end of 2020 the US witnessed one of the tightest elections ever. When Donald Trump ran for president for his second consecutive term nobody believed he would become reelected but as the votes started to pile up in his favour people began to worry for the fate of their country. The US election consists of 2 main parties: the “Democrats'' and the “Republicans”. The democrats are typically more on the liberal side whereas the republicans have a tendency to lean in the direction of being conservative. During the US election that took place in  November of 2020 Joe Biden became the representative for the democrats and Donald Trump for the republicans.  Donald Trump’s main argument as to why he should be elected was that during his previous term as president there were lower unemployment rates, good stock market performance. He tried to use this to prove that he had created a healthy economy. He also promised to tighten immigration regulations, and build a wall along the Me...